Jacek's Blog

Software Engineering Consultant

Static Polymorphy in C++

February 27, 2016 c++

In order to use polymorphy, virtual functions are the way to go in C++. They are nice and easy to use. However, polymorphy is not always needed at actual runtime. If it is only used to separate generic from specific functionality in order to have a common interface and avoid code duplication, the cost of having indirection introduced by vtables might not be desired. This article shows how to use the CRTP in order to get the compile time advantages of polymorphy, without using virtual methods.

The example

A very typical example for polymorphy are objects which represent animals, where every animal is expected to make a typical animal sound. Different kinds of animals like cats and dogs would then inherit the animal interface from the abstract class Animal:

class Animal
    void make_sound() const
        flux_compensator_sound_machine  << this->get_sound() << "!";

    virtual Sound get_sound() const = 0;

class Dog : public Animal
    virtual Sound get_sound() const override
        return {"Woof"};

class Cat : public Animal
    virtual Sound get_sound() const override
        return {"Meow"};

So the Animal class does all the generic work, without knowing anything about specific animal sounds, and asks its subclass for exactly that information.

If the code which uses that later is not calling make_sound() on pointers or references of type Animal, but instead directly on Dog and Cat types, then it is completely unnecessary to do that using virtual functions.

Instead, CRTP can be used, which stands for Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

template <typename T>
class Animal
    const T& thisT() { return *static_cast<const T*>(this); }

    void make_sound() const
        flux_compensator_sound_machine  << thisT().get_sound() << "!";

    // No virtual declared here. However, this class just assumes that T
    // contains a function with signature "Sound T::get_sound() const"

class Dog : public Animal<Dog> // Note the template parameter
    Sound get_sound() const
        return {"Woof"};

class Cat : public Animal<Cat>
    Sound get_sound() const override
        return {"Meow"};

The casting part within class Animal is the interesting detail here (Which happens in thisT()). So class Animal still implements the generic part of making an animal noise, but then does not call a virtual function on itself any longer, but it calls a function which itself does not declare at all. Instead of calling a virtual function which the inheriting class T (or Cat and Dog) is forced to implement, it just assumes that T implements a normal function with signature Sound T::get_sound() const. If T does not provide that, the compiler would error out as soon as it tries to compile code which calls make_sound().

If make_sound() where static functions, then it would not even be necessary to cast the this pointer, as it would be possible to directly call T::make_sound() (Which would also be the cleaner software design in this case, as producing a dog/cat sound does not actually involve a particular instance - but this is just example code after all).

Class Animal does not implement any get_sound function, so the compiler will not find that without casting. By static casting this to T* (Which is safe, as the compiler would refuse to static_cast if those types were not related by inheritance), the function get_sound becomes visible to the compiler and it will happily digest the code.

Another cool detail is, that nothing constraints get_sound to return an actual Sound type. If flux_compensator_sound_machine’s stream operator accepts it, it can be any type. Realizing that with virtual functions could also be done, but as the type Sound is fixed, this would be a little bit more complicated.

PROs and CONs

Dynamic Polymorphy



Static Polymorphy