This article explains how to quickly set up a C++ project environment with
complete toolchain- and dependency management with nix
is a powerful package manager for Linux and
other Unix systems (It is indeed a more powerful alternative to conan
and docker
) that makes package
management reliable and reproducible.
After setting up the project and playing around with it, we will parametrize
the project description in order to automatically build it with different
compilers and dependency library versions (GCC 7 & 8, Clang 7 & 8, lib boost
1.6.6 - 1.6.9, lib poco
1.9.0 & 1.9.1).
Times have changed since 2019 and many things are done a little bit differently by now. Everything in this article should still work just fine (thanks to Nix), but if you’re interested in a newer tutorial, please have a look at this article series on the Nixcademy blog:
Let’s start with a fresh system where no C++ compiler and no development
libraries are installed.
The only tool that we require to be installed is nix
(see the installation
guide on for installation
instructions), because we are going to use it to perform the toolchain and
dependency setup.
Creating a little example C++ Project
Let’s write a C++ program with the following dependencies:
- C++ compiler, of course. That might be GCC or Clang.
library (
library (
For the sake of having a simple example app, the program does nothing more than
printing what compiler it was built with and which versions of boost
it is linked against.
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <Poco/Environment.h>
#include <iostream>
#if defined(__clang__)
#define CC "clang++"
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
#define CC "g++"
#define CC "<unknown compiler>"
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!\n"
<< "Compiler: " << CC << " " << __VERSION__ << '\n'
<< "Boost: " << (BOOST_VERSION / 100000) << '.'
<< (BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000) << '.'
<< (BOOST_VERSION % 100) << '\n'
<< "POCO: " << (Poco::Environment::libraryVersion() >> 24) << '.'
<< (Poco::Environment::libraryVersion() >> 16 & 0xff) << '.'
<< (Poco::Environment::libraryVersion() >> 8 & 0xff)
<< '\n';
We can either install a C++ compiler by running nix-env
with the
appropriate arguments, or just run a shell that exposes a C++ compiler in its
Let us not clutter the system’s PATH
environment with compilers from the
beginning, because often people would use different compilers for each project
$ nix-shell -p gcc
[nix-shell:~]$ c++ --version
g++ (GCC) 7.4.0
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
We are now in a shell that includes GCC’s C++ compiler in its PATH
[nix-shell:~/src/nix_cmake_example]$ echo $PATH
I trimmed the rest of the path list.
What’s important here: The path list is full of paths that begin with
Each of them could be considered what one would call a package on typical
Linux distributions.
We can easily install multiple compilers with different versions, or even
the same version with different sets of patches applied, next to each other
in /nix/store
and not have any of them collide during a project’s build,
because nix
does simply only map the packages into the current PATH
are needed.
does even more than just exposing packages via thePATH
to the executing shell: For a running build process it does also hide all paths that are not listed in the dependencies of a package in order to avoid unknown dependencies lurking into the project. In order to achieve that, it uses namespaces, similar to Docker. See also: about sandboxing, and nix manual:sandbox
The full procedure of using nix-shell
to setup the environment and building
and running the app looks like this:
$ nix-shell -p gcc boost poco
$ c++ -o main main.cpp -lPocoFoundation -lboost_system
$ ./main
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Running the compiled binary can of course be done without
One would typically add a file called default.nix
to the project folder:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
stdenv.mkDerivation name = "my-app";
src = ./.;
buildInputs = [ boost poco ];
buildPhase = "c++ -o main main.cpp -lPocoFoundation -lboost_system";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp main $out/bin/
This buys us that we can simply run nix-build
to configure, build and package
the project into the nix store with a single command.
Developers would still use nix-shell
for incremental builds between source
does also consult default.nix
in order to setup the dependencies
right, so we don’t need the -p
parameter list any longer.
Very short overview over the most important lines:
is an object in the nix expression language that is imported from<nixpkgs>
is a globally available nix expression with all the packages.stdenv
contains the compiler and other things needed to compile projects.buildInputs
lists compile time and run time dependencies of the project.buildPhase
is a shell hook that describes how to build the program.installPhase
describes what files should be copied into the nix store.
We’re covering how this works in detail only in minimal depth. More information about nix derivations:
It looks like we’re using
as a build system now - in fact,mkDerivation
is a function that creates a so called “builder script” that is able to detect if we are using a Makefile based project (with or without autoconf), a CMake project, or a set of other build systems, and then executes the right steps according to the build system. One cool detail is that we would typically not touchCMakeFile
or other files in order to usenix
- this way users who do not want to or cannot usenix
are able to use their own tools for dependency management.
is a very versatile and complex helper: See thenix
manual section about derivations
In this example we use no build system, hence need to use the buildPhase
hook to define how our little application is compiled and linked.
Someone else who checks out this project and who has installed nix
now simply run:
$ nix-build
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/dw9d2r7rykym08fzmdgf6v0ia2sn6hq9-my-app.drv'...
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/8zwsvxdkpjnyxnm9qs33qw3bi12h9gbm-nix_simple
source root is nix_simple
patching sources
no configure script, doing nothing
post-installation fixup
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/5ldpivphfbya4xw6kcss9vcdvp1mzrcf-my-app
shrinking /nix/store/5ldpivphfbya4xw6kcss9vcdvp1mzrcf-my-app/bin/main
strip is /nix/store/0y7jmqnj48ikjh37n3dl9kqw9hnn68nq-binutils-2.31.1/bin/strip
stripping (with command strip and flags -S) in /nix/store/5ldpivphfbya4xw6kcss9vcdvp1mzrcf-my-app/bin
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/5ldpivphfbya4xw6kcss9vcdvp1mzrcf-my-app
checking for references to /tmp/nix-build-my-app.drv-0/ in /nix/store/5ldpivphfbya4xw6kcss9vcdvp1mzrcf-my-app...
$ ./result/bin/main
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.0
The compiler, all libraries etc. are automatically downloaded and put into action. Much simpler than with conan!
That is basically it: If the program grows, we will certainly switch
to some build system - nix
supports that without having to add nix-specific
stuff into the build files (GNUMake, CMake, meson, etc. are supported.
Have a look into the nixpkgs
git repository folder for supported build
If the number of dependencies grows, be that libraries or compile time tools,
we can simply add them to the nix expression.
Building the code with different dependency versions
The default.nix
expression results in one so-called derivation that nix
can materialize into a binary package in the nix storage.
Let us now write another nix expression that takes multiple boost
versions, multiple poco
library versions and multiple compilers, and
that results in a set of derivations that nix can materialize using those.
We will use the following variety of dependency versions:
- GCC 7 & 8
- Clang 7 & 8
- lib
1.9.0 & 1.9.1 - lib
1.6.6 - 1.6.9
…which results in \((2 + 2) * 2 * 4 = 32\) different binaries.
Quick spoiler: The result of the nix expression that we are going to write
will allow us to build and execute these 32 binaries with a single nix-build release.nix
$ for path in $(nix-build release.nix); do \
> echo "===="; \
> echo "Output of $path/bin/main:"; \
> $path/bin/main; \
> done
# trimmed a lot of build output...
Output of /nix/store/246an1m3rwwgz58qc8hfwvqh28899ckm-my-app-clang7-poco190-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/cfh1cy03kly9wq6x6dzlza4d9kads6cd-my-app-clang7-poco190-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/jjbpj24x4gp2vpn355j0qsy117yrkhrd-my-app-clang7-poco190-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/f9fgwzpq9gn85abx9h1zr5c6j3bs4ks2-my-app-clang7-poco190-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/1wwff8p5rxjqjkhqifvhy833bl3mf8l3-my-app-clang7-poco191-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/3jdv2l0gp3za4q5rj8s4859bpiyscg0m-my-app-clang7-poco191-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/fcbypavfzrw8ajngaim7srvn9fylj7b3-my-app-clang7-poco191-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/a8d1mwqiay3qx60fzp6m70q89s0mpcwx-my-app-clang7-poco191-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/lhxdhmi9ficg9v9mkxv4zz9s4759r5z6-my-app-clang8-poco190-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/x4f34gi6p6ipa8lvqx2aj36nzipk2yv1-my-app-clang8-poco190-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/dqmy8gmkshi8glg2ldidpclzq2mrqbvw-my-app-clang8-poco190-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/s5qw1ff2qbx2aswnlvd7l7d60fdfyr0y-my-app-clang8-poco190-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/wf4ygk9lhkmfv98f9g05pndv4a0320j1-my-app-clang8-poco191-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/xg34s1bzr2h57hsbj6z0g93mwni7jcgk-my-app-clang8-poco191-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/bhjzyxr1wpjnkdr1wm72142l0hlndsnz-my-app-clang8-poco191-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/r1nd2gb7r45vpldnbiprdnyg7y29k08f-my-app-clang8-poco191-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: clang++ 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final)
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/3jfbck6mcrgjfpya8p8x293sfkqi0w5b-my-app-gcc7-poco190-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/cvlxdps8k666dgim3xp04xkm4qzbvkby-my-app-gcc7-poco190-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/ipk381rlahkv6wbwccmv7pibwghdbw7c-my-app-gcc7-poco190-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/pl9y9njmyc2ws4i4mgfnhdxxsbrzasj3-my-app-gcc7-poco190-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/svxr6826wm0sx9mm8sgy1v2aq2v1nx2p-my-app-gcc7-poco191-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/hfwv308iaykb4ygnjpjfxwy6xf1rr0s3-my-app-gcc7-poco191-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/2bxawcdkgjbvn756q93r65vym19b2jip-my-app-gcc7-poco191-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/zgzw1bbx935fm209lxnn01n14sv8f9a8-my-app-gcc7-poco191-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 7.4.0
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/jgsxmqgwmqqv2sbcmnx63abb3ymfsqc5-my-app-gcc8-poco190-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/3j9q4bn2id2iqza44n39mzi4cqzhqlz2-my-app-gcc8-poco190-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/7czfqh3fbjpslnar101b472kzlhxlcdc-my-app-gcc8-poco190-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/9vmwm0zzsgxqm6v5yxzjdjkhgxqqdnqr-my-app-gcc8-poco190-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.0
Output of /nix/store/n34v5f23jhpcc20hyszdn270p9wyzfbz-my-app-gcc8-poco191-boost166/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.66.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/bq9pijnw746ilp1ar8xwb7bl3v1ypy0y-my-app-gcc8-poco191-boost167/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.67.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/pzqa2sraf1xhji9bk6namwg6x4ar9sgq-my-app-gcc8-poco191-boost168/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.68.0
POCO: 1.9.1
Output of /nix/store/vb3ha6skwnj2h5k691jxcn7pxa8gs90i-my-app-gcc8-poco191-boost169/bin/main:
Hello World!
Compiler: g++ 8.3.0
Boost: 1.69.0
POCO: 1.9.1
As the first step, let us first decompose the default.nix
file into a file
and another file release.nix
The new derivation.nix
file contains the pure package description without
knowledge about where the dependencies come from:
{ boost, poco, stdenv }:
stdenv.mkDerivation name = "my-app";
src = ./.;
buildInputs = [ boost poco ];
buildPhase = "c++ -std=c++17 -o main main.cpp -lPocoFoundation -lboost_system";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp main $out/bin/
The first line states that the content of this file is a function that
accepts a dictionary with the keys boost
, poco
, and stdenv
as input
It does then finally return a derivation.
A derivation can be materialized into a package with the binary by nix
This means that we can regard derivation.nix
like a mathematical function
\(deriv (compiler, boost, poco) \rightarrow derivation\).
The next step is then to use that function \(deriv\) and feed it with the cartesian
product of all 32 input combinations.
The file release.nix
does just that:
nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>,
pkgs ? import nixpkgs {}
compilers = with pkgs; {
gcc7 = stdenv;
gcc8 = overrideCC stdenv gcc8;
clang7 = overrideCC stdenv clang_7;
clang8 = overrideCC stdenv clang_8;
pocoLibs = {
poco190 = pkgs.poco;
poco191 = pkgs.poco.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
name = "poco-1.9.1";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "196540ce34bf884921ff3f9ce338e38fc938acdd";
sha256 = "0q0xihkm2z8kndx40150inq7llcyny59cv016gxsx0vbzzbdkcnd";
boostLibs = {
inherit (pkgs) boost166 boost167 boost168 boost169;
originalDerivation = [ (pkgs.callPackage (import ./derivation.nix) {}) ];
f = libname: libs: derivs: with pkgs.lib;
concatMap (deriv:
mapAttrsToList (libVers: lib:
(deriv.override { "${libname}" = lib; }).overrideAttrs
(old: { name = "${}-${libVers}"; })
) libs
) derivs;
overrides = [
(f "stdenv" compilers)
(f "poco" pocoLibs)
(f "boost" boostLibs)
pkgs.lib.foldl (a: b: a // { "${}" = b; }) {} (
pkgs.lib.foldl (a: f: f a) originalDerivation overrides
This code looks a bit more complicated, but it does a lot of things:
- It defines the variety of compilers and libraries in the variables
, andboostLibs
.- note that
already contains libpoco
version 1.9.0, but not 1.9.1 - we simply override its package description to use the latest 1.9.1 source from poco’s github repository.
- note that
- Function
contains all the magic: It reapplies the original functionderiv
with one library input overloaded from a library list argument! - The list
contains the list of functionf
applications that shall be applied over the original derivation. - The last 2 lines of code apply all the transformations within a simple
This explanation is very brief.
The whole code might look pretty much familiar to everyone who is not used to
nix but has some experience with purely functional programming languages.
Explaining the code in detail to developers who neither know nix
nor any
functional programming, would explode the scope of this article.
We have seen how simple it is to quickly set up an ad-hoc C++ programming environment with a compiler and libraries, without cluttering the system.
We have “packaged” our little project with a roughly ~10 LOC short default.nix
Users with solely nix
installed can clone this project from git, run
and get the binary. Simple as that.
With less than 50 LOC we implemented a nix expression that builds our application in 32 different variants with different compilers and library versions.
There is a git repository with all project files that is available for checkout:
If you happened to like this article or need some help with Nix/NixOS, also have a look at my corporate Nix & NixOS Trainings and Consulting Services.
What else can be done from here? The advantages and strengths of nix
by far not been exhausted in this example.
Maximum Reproducibility: Pinning nixpkgs
Whenever we referenced packages, we got them from the magical nix expression
This package source is a channel that can be updated with nix-channel --update
, which is similar to running apt-get update
on Debian-like Linux
Of course, an update of the channel also updates the packages and thus might
break the whole build.
With nix
, we can simply pin the package list to a version that is known
to work.
In the github repository of this example, i did so with nixpkgs.nix.
Using this technique, one can be pretty confident, that the project will still work in all configurations in a few years, which makes our build procedure pretty reproducible.
Nix CI: Hydra
Since nix
is simply a tool that can be installed on Linux, Mac, and other UNIX
systems, it can also be run in different CIs.
The NixOS project does however come with its own CI: Hydra. I am running my own instance on and installed this project as a jobset on it:
This article’s project in hydra
The code does a bit more than covered in this article:
I added a nix expression output.nix
that does not only build the application in all variants, but also executes
them and stores their results in the nix store.
This way they can be looked at in the browser like here: example output
Fully Reproducible, Automatic Integration Tests
Nix expressions do not only allow for simple ad-hoc packaging of binaries: They are mighty enough to describe whole-system descriptions. In fact, the NixOS installer ISOs, the Virtualbox NixOS demo VM image, the Amazon AMIs, Microsoft Azure Blobs, etc. are all built from nix expressions.
I build a little more complicated example and put it on github:
In a nutshell, this repository contains a C++ server application that uses PostgreSQL as a database backend and a Python client application that provides a little web server interface to the same database. In order to test such an application one needs a host with a confiured and running PostgreSQL instance.
The C++ app is built in different configurations - all configurations are automatically tested in VMs that are automatically created, spun up, and destroyed afterwards.

The whole output can be inspected on
Cross Compilation
Just touching this topic by dropping some links